Add a Persimmony User:

Step 1: Select Security.

Step 2: Select +New User.

Step 3: Click the drop-down box and select the Agency.

Note: Current Fiscal Year should be checked (by default). This ensures that only active agencies will appear in the dropdown menu.

Step 4: Select the User Group from the drop-down menu.

Step 5: Enter the user's first and last name, email address and phone number.

Step 6: Enter any other relevant information that you need.

Step 7: Select Add.

Note: There is no need to remember the system generated password.  The user will receive an automated email with instructions to change their password. 

Enable User Security Settings:

Note: The majority of the User's security settings are pre-configured depending upon the User Group they have been assigned to.  

Step 1: Enable Clients and any other options the user should have access to.

Tip: Hover over item for more information

Step 2: Select Add.

Confirm/ Adjust User Security Settings:

Step 1: Select the User from the User List.

Step 2: Ensure the User is in the correct User Group.

Step 3: Use the scroll bar in the Menu Items to view available options.  Click to enable individual options for the User. 

Step 4: Assign the User a Role.


CM: (Case Manager) User will be interacting with clients and documenting encounters. 

Clerk: User will be completing data entry on behalf of case managers.