Adding CC'd Users to Support Tickets: FAQ's

Can I include other people in a support ticket that I create?

Yes! You can add additional CC's to your support tickets.  When you submit your ticket, include the email address in the CC field.  Separate additional email addresses with a semi-colon. 

I have been CC'd on a ticket, but I can't find the ticket # in my support portal.

It's important to note that only the person who submitted the ticket will be able to see the original ticket in their support portal.  Since they own the ticket, it goes into their portal.  CC'd users will not have access to the ticket or its history via their own portal. 

If I have been CC'd, but the ticket is not in my portal, how can I interact with the ticket?

Not to worry!  All correspondence will be sent to your email address.  You can reply back to the ticket simply by replying back to the email.  The owner of the ticket and anyone else who has been included will also be able to see your responses and reply back as well.  

Can I forward my CC'd ticket email to another person?

Forwarding the email to someone who was not originally included in the ticket will create a new support ticket "via email".  This causes confusion within the ticketing system and is not secure.  IF you need to forward the emailed information to someone else, please ensure that you remove "" from the recipient list.