Managing the Client List
The Client List allows you to search, sort, and manage clients. This article explains the main features of the Client List and how to use its functions effectively.
Accessing the Client List
Select Clients from the left-hand Menu.
The Client List displays all available Clients in the programs you have permission to access.
Searching and Sorting Clients
Search Bar: Enter Client names or details.
Search a Column: Search within a column to filter the list.
Sort: Click column headers to sort the list.
Filter: Click the Filter icon to filter the list.
Status: Use the Active, Exited, All slider to filter client records by enrollment status.
Note: The table footer shows the total number of clients that are showing in the Client List, identified as 'items' on the right-hand side.
Program Selection
To filter Clients by program:
Use the Program drop-down.
Note: Which programs show in the Program drop-down is controlled by which Fiscal Year is selected.Select the desired program(s) to adjust the list of clients that show in the Client list.
Other Buttons at the Top
Alerts: Opens the Alerts pop-up to manage notifications.
Send Intake: Opens the Client Intake form.
Print: Prints the current Client list.
New Client: Adds a new Client to the system.