Copying Documents to Family Members'

This guide explains how to copy documents from a client’s activity list to a family member’s activities

1. Select the Client

  1. Navigate to the Client Profile.
  2. In the Activity List, locate and select the document you wish to copy.
    Example: "Example Letter."

2. Access the Document Menu

  1. Open the Menu for the selected document.
  2. Select Documents

3. Locate and Review the Document

  1. Locate the document you want to copy. Depending on your permissions, you may:
    • Edit the document’s name.
    • Add or update a memo in the Memo field.
    • View or modify the Date Completed field, which reflects the client’s enrollment date.

4. Initiate the Copy Process

  1. Select Copy to Family from the menu.
  2. A pop-up will appear showing the available family members to whom the document can be copied.

5. Select a Family Member

  1. Choose the family member to copy the document to.
  2. Click Next.

6. Set Document Details

  1. Select Completion Date:
    • Choose the existing completion date, or
    • Select today’s date.
  2. Add Notes (Optional):
    • Enter any additional notes in the memo field if needed.
  3. Added By:
    • Keep the existing name or replace it with your name.

7. Confirm and Save

  1. Click OK to complete the process.
  2. The document will now be copied to the selected family member’s activities.

8. Verify the Document Copy

  1. Return to the Client Profile or navigate to the family member’s Activity List.
  2. Confirm that the document has been copied successfully to the correct family member.