Many dropdown fields in the Client Profile — including those in the Demographics, Care Plan, Appointments, Contacts, and Medications — can be configured in the Field Values Program page in the Setup module. Changes to field values apply only to the selected program unless copied to others. 

Accessing Field Values Program

  1. Navigate to the Setup module.
  2. Open Field Values Program.
  3. Use the Program dropdown to select the appropriate program before making any changes.

Adding a New Dropdown Value

  1. Select the appropriate dropdown field.
  2. Click New Value.
  3. Enter the new value.
  4. Click Add to save.
  5. The new value will now appear in the dropdown.

Editing Dropdown Values

  • Deactivate: This option removes a value from future selections while preserving it in historical records. It will no longer show in the dropdown list of values for that field, but it will still show in the client profile if it previously selected.
  • Delete: This permanently removes the value and is not recommended as it may impact data integrity.

To deactivate a value:

  1. Locate the field value in Field Values Program.
  2. Uncheck the Active checkbox.

To reactivate a value:

  1. Locate the deactivated value.
  2. Check the Active checkbox to restore it.

To edit an existing value:

        Type directly in the Value text box; changes will be saved automatically.

Copying Field Values to Other Programs

If the same field values should be available across multiple programs, use the copy feature to avoid manual entry:

  1. Select the relevant field in the program you want to copy from.
  2. Click Copy Field Values.
  3. Choose the destination program(s) where the values should be copied.
  4. Select the values to copy.
  5. Click Copy to apply the changes.

To verify changes, navigate to the relevant module and check the updated dropdown list.

Key Notes

  • Field values are managed per program and do not automatically apply across all programs unless copied.
  • If a field name was customized during implementation, it will still appear under its original name in Field Values Program.
  • Updates made in Field Values Program will immediately reflect in dropdowns across the system.